News Archive

Older news and announcements

2006-12-11: Shinji is back online

Due to a power outage, shinji went offline and had to be manually rebooted this week-end. It also underwent some upgrades and maintenance.

— Kefen
2006-07-18: Shinji cleanup

After much tinkering and ugly fixes, shinji is back online at last. There isn’t much left on it except a new subversion server and a couple test vhosts.

— Kefen
2006-01-25: Amen Networks Screwup

Amen Networks had to reboot the virtual server containing Hisoka. The website was unavailable for a couple hours and it seems emails were buggy too. This is all back to normal now. Here is the official mail of explanation from Amen Networks:


Notre équipe technique a dû redémarrer la plateforme hébergeant votre service.

Le service sera à nouveau disponible dans environ deux heures.

Dans l’intervalle, nous vous prions de bien vouloir nous excuser pour cette perturbation.


L’Equipe Technique AMEN

— Kefen
2005-09-05: PHP mail() fixed

It looks like, due to an erroneous change in exim.conf, mail sending from PHP scripts simply stopped working — and other scripts sending mail might have screwed up too. This is, hopefully, fixed now.

— Kefen
2005-08-29: Hardware failure on Shinji

There seems to be a little problem with the wiring in Shinji, causing the hard drive to stop and producing the ugliest kinds of I/O errors ever. The box had to be restarted a few times. New power wires are being tested currently. The alimentation block might be changed if the problem persists.

— Kefen

“Now, we’ve basically got it all worked out, except for small stuff, big stuff, hot stuff, cold stuff, fast stuff, heavy stuff, dark stuff, turbulence, and the concept of time.”

― Zach Weinersmith