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2005-08-17: Shinji's upgrade

Shinji went offline for a few hours, during which most of its hardware was upgraded, as well as its software. Due to some minor trouble with the new kernel and network interfaces, it took longer than planned and the server was down for about six hours. It's running fine, now, and will hopefully beat its own record of 280 days up and running. Though few resources are hosted on Shinji anymore, we still apologize for that downtime and any potential inconvenience it caused.

— Kefen

2005-04-13: Amen Networks (Massive) Failure

Due to a massive failure of Amen hardware, their servers were unavailable for a couple hours today, including Hisoka. Situation is back to normal now. More details (in french) from the Amen website:


Comme vous avez pu le constater, nous avons du faire face à de multiples incidents aujourd'hui. La plupart des problèmes n'ont impacté que notre propre plateforme : site AMEN, espace client, notre intranet, ce qui explique que nous n'ayons pas pu vous fournir d'informations plus tôt.
Nous avons aussi eu une panne réseau en fin d'après midi : nos routeurs sont tombés les uns après les autres. Cela a impacté l'ensemble de notre reseau et donc la plupart des sites hebergés chez nous.

Notre équipe d'ingénieurs s'est mobilisée toute la journée pour résoudre les problèmes les uns après les autres. Cependant, certaines corrections faites dans l'urgence on eu pour effet de bord de déclencher d'autres problèmes, prolongeant d'autant l'indisponibilité de notre plateforme.

A l'heure actuelle, tous les problèmes ont été corrigés, et l'ensemble de nos équipements est à nouveau opérationnel.

Nous renouvelons nos excuses pour la gène occasionnée, et nous vous remercions pour votre compréhension.

L'équipe AMEN

— Kefen

2005-04-03: Moving out!

We moved! Thanks to our new familial sponsor, we could afford an external server. Hisoka is now online and running, and we are slowly mirroring accounts over from Shinji. There is still work to do to set up global configuration. Logging to existing accounts might not work for a little while. Currently hosted websites should not be affected and will keep running smoothly.

— Kefen

2005-02-18: Upgrade downtime

Due to a general upgrade of installed packages including mysql-server, some PHP scripts and websites were unavailable for a few minutes around 19:00 while the deamon was stopped and config files updated.

— Kefen

2005-02-06: Security update

IMPORTANT! The server cleanup started tonight, admittedly to make it cleaner, more secure and better suited for hosting websites. As such, changes were made to home directories: every user is now part of the users group. Check your scripts and permissions. By default home folders will have the following permissions: rwx --- --x. Unless you don't have a website hosted, it's strongly recommanded you keep those permissions.

Moreover, PHP configuration was updated and fixed. The option register_globals is now disabled. Check and correct your scripts accordingly. Check here for help and details. safe_mode was also enabled. Report any problem to security@leapingtiger.org.

— Kefen

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“Now, we’ve basically got it all worked out, except for small stuff, big stuff, hot stuff, cold stuff, fast stuff, heavy stuff, dark stuff, turbulence, and the concept of time.”

― Zach Weinersmith